Domain of Heroes Update: 04/29

If you haven’t noticed by now, Domain of Heroes occupies a large part of my “gaming repertoire.”  This is not only because Domain of Heroes allows almost hands-off gaming (I can leave it on at night to “afk-farm”), it is also because it combines aspects within gaming that I enjoy (treasure-hunting, social chatting, an active trading market, great moderators, and an engaged community).

That being said, I must admit that until recently, most of the time I spent on DoH was aimless and without focus.  Now, to my defense I must add that I did spent a significant amount of time on the forums reading the guides, reading strategy, and in general gaining hints and tips from people.  However, I did not really stick to a specific principle in mind until I rejoined a couple weeks ago.

As someone who is primarily focused on finding the sweet treasures in the land of Dohria, recently I took a look at a guide titled “A guide: Orc Jack, MFing the cheap and easy way” written by Bartleby Jones.  Here he describes one of the easier ways of building a successful Magic Find character in DoH.

As of last night, I am happy to say I accomplished the hardest part of the guide, and that is hitting 6000 Power.  As of now, I am sitting on a nice 6099 POW (w/462% Physical Damage Multiplier), 4136 LUK, 102 MND, 486 END, 225 AGI, and 194 LIF.

Needless to say, I am very proud of myself, and here is the link to my character info: Lots.

And now, goodnight and happy hunting!

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